Fifteen Years

PS and SK Utah, 2012 (?)

When you tell your friends that you’re starting a company they don’t really believe you. You may as well tell them that you’re going to write the Great American Novel first thing in the morning, but probably are down for another round or two before you leave the bar.

A couple of years of work later, you actually have some cool stuff to show for it. One of your buddies might even buy something, though they’re definitely asking for a discount.

Five or six years in, they’re wondering why you’re always too busy to hang out. You have a lot of new friends that have their own brands too.

If you’re lucky, maybe you’ve got a couple of dope pop up shops going.

Magazines start noticing what you’re doing. Your parents send you a clipping from the Times. Everybody is impressed.

Another five or six years go by, and there are a lot of ups and downs.

A decade in, most of your friends brands are out of business, have totally sold out, or have totally changed up their story. (links deleted). A few of them are still in the game though!

You get so involved in the craft of design and sewing that you lose track of time. Friends and family either have followed your journey every step of the way (rare), or ask you “how’s business” with one eyebrow strangely cocked. They have some “great ideas” about what you should do with your brand, but mostly just want you to hem a pair of pants for them, or sew some curtains for their kitchen.

Fifteen years in you’ve been around long enough not to be an exciting new brand anymore. Just long enough that people will miss you when you’re gone. Make it another ten and you’re a legitimate heritage brand.

We’re going for it.

Put a few bucks in our pocket for gas money so we can get there.



use the code “OOFOREVER” now- March 10

March 11, the sale goes public.

We haven’t done a real sale in years, so get in while the getting’s good.

Thank you for your support over the years,


Pete & Steven


Owner Operator Bespoke Winter 2024


American Made Parka